Sunday, December 29, 2019

Objectification and Shame in The House on Mango Street - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 875 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The House on Mango Street Essay Did you like this example? What he did. Where he touched me. I didnt want it, Sally. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Objectification and Shame in The House on Mango Street" essay for you Create order The way he said it, the way itrs supposed to be, all the storybooks and movies.. says Esperanza, the narrator in The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. Esperanza and other girls on Mango Street struggle with growing up and being objectified by men. The neighborhood they live in puts the girls into unsafe situations with other people around. Throughout the novel, Esperanza and other young girls lose their innocence due to the comments and actions of men. Girls are told to adjust themselves, and they become accustomed to this expectation by the end of the book. In the novel, one theme is that growing up a woman can be shameful and objectifying. It is evident when a bum harrases Rachel, when shers abused in the workplace, and when young girls choose to wear heels. While on the street, Esperanza, Lucy, and Rachel are shamed for their choice in shoes. In The Family of Little Feet while they are wearing blue, yellow, and red heels, Mr. Benny at the corner store makes rude comments towards them. He asks them where they got the shoes, and continues to critique them, Your mother know you got shoes like that? Who give you those? Nobody. Them are dangerous, he says. You girls too young to be wearing shoes like that. Take them shoes off before I call the cops (Cisneros 41). This commentary could be interpreted as him trying to help the girls, but by his choice of words I think that there is more to it than that. He doesnt speak in a kind way, take them shoes off before I call the cops. Threatening to call the police because of a girlrs shoes is completely ridiculous, and teaches them that they have to adjust for what men want, or there will be serious consequences. Saying all of these things in a public place is embarrassing for anyone. It leaves the g irls feeling ashamed and small, like Rachel is left feeling after the drunk bum speaks to her. When Rachel walks down the street, she is objectified and harassed. In The Family with Little Feet, Esperanza, Rachel, and other girls choose to wear heels into town, and they run into a drunk bum. Rachel continues to speak with him despite all the other girls telling her not to, and then the bum offers her money, If I give you a dollar will you kiss me? How about a dollar. I give you a dollar, and he looks in his pocket for money (Cisneros 42). When the bum man speaks to Rachel like that, it definitely belittles her and takes away some of her freedom in the moment. The man objectifies her by offering to trade her for money. He thinks that it is an acceptable proposition, and that he can buy girls. We buy things, not people, and trying to buy her is treating her like an object. This is an example of objectification in the novel, along with when Esperanza begins her new job at Pan Photo FInishers. When Esperanza began to work at her new job, she was abused. In The First Job Esperanza is harassed and sexually abused by an old man at her new workplace. Shers working at Pan Photo Finishers, and doesnt know anyone there. She spends most of the day alone working, and when she goes to the coatroom to eat, a man comes in. He starts talking to her, and says they can be friends. She finds him comforting because she didnt know anyone else at her job. He tells her itrs his birthday, and asks for a kiss, he said it was his birthday and would I please give him a birthday kiss. I thought I would because he was so old and just as I was about to put my lips on his cheek, he grabs my face with both hands and kisses me hard on the mouth and doesnt let go (Cisneros 55). This is abusive because he kissed her without her consent, and didnt let go. In the text, she never verbally consented to what was given to her, and she is also underage. The man didnt wait for her consent, and that takes away he r voice. Not waiting for consent is an example of objectification, because he is treating her like something he can just grab and move around how he wants. He treats her like this, rather than someone with a voice or a important opinion. The harassment causes Esperanza shame, similar to how the girls felt when they wore their heels. Esperanza and other girls face harassment frequently throughout The House On Mango St, such as when the drunk bum talks to Rachel, when shers employed, and when Esperanza and her friends wear heels for the first time. In the novel, Esperanza and other girls end up in situations where men belittle them, and attempt to use or harass them. Instead of allowing men to objectify Esperanza, or feeling ashamed of who she is, she fights the gender roles that have been set out for her, and tries her hardest to follow her own path and learn from the situations shers been in.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Presentation On Communication Methods - 1619 Words

Good morning everyone! My name is Christie Heath. I am PA to our HR Manager Lind Blessed here at Trusty Homes, and bon behalf of the HR Team, this morning I am going to be giving you a short presentation on Communication Methods. Now that Trusty Homes has branched out into our own insurance department, providing contents and property insurance to its homeowners and landlord’s, it is essential that as a brand we have a clear understanding on not only what communication means but importantly what good communication can mean for our business! We use communication methods every day without even considering it, in fact just attending this presentation is demonstrating one medium of communication you as an employee will use today! Together we are going to take a short look at †¢ What communication is †¢ How we communicate as a business and also as a brand to our consumers †¢ Then most importantly, how we can improve our customer engagement by first using effective methods of communication and secondly by removing any barriers to effective communication†¦.. But, before we get to that, let’s go right back to the beginning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ WHAT IS COMMUNICATION So, to start with let’s take a look at the definition of Communication†¦. That is â€Å"The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing or another medium† To consider the theory of communication and what it means in context for business, it really is quite simple. Communication is a means of connecting people and places. A two wayShow MoreRelatedAudience Analysis850 Words   |  3 Pagesimportant part of the presentation of a speech that precedes the selection of a topic. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Dancing with the White Rabbit Free Essays

Carly Turner English 102 Polliard May 5th, 2011 Dancing With The White Rabbit People go under sedation all the time. They jump into the rabbit hole to receive colonoscopies, plastic surgery, dental work and other various medical procedures. Today’s world has become accustomed to regular use of sedation drugs however they do not realize just how dangerous they can be. We will write a custom essay sample on Dancing with the White Rabbit or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many factors to be taken into account when someone is put under. Proprofol (Diprivan), a drug that is used to induce sedation, which is the cause of many medical malpractices and deaths, is not supervised enough in the medical community. Propofol is one of the most widely used forms of anesthesia (Nytimes. com). It was invented 20 to 25 years ago (News Week). It has multiple benefits over general anesthesia. Unlike general anesthesia, propofol has rapid onsets. â€Å"If you try to count backward from 100 after it’s injected, you don’t get to 97,† says Dr. Wischmeyer, a University of Colorado Anesthesiologist (Wall Street Journal). It also allows patients to recover and return to baseline activities such as eating and breathing on their own faster. In addition, it can result in less nausea and vomiting in patients (Ismp. rg). Because of this many practioners feel a false sense of security when using propofol. It can be harmful and even deadly if the person who is administering it is not trained in drugs that cause deep sedation and general anesthesia. On the labeling of Diprivan (Propofol), it is intended â€Å"for general anesthesia or monitored anesthesia care sedation†, meaning that that drug should only be administered by people trained in general anesthesia and not involved in the procedure being done. Propofol is an exact science. Dosing needs to be based on the patient’s tolerance to the drug. A number of factors including the age, weight, and how hydrated the person is factors into the efficiency of the drug (News Week). The tolerance can vary and can change easily. Also, for a patient who uses it the first time, it’ll be much more potent but for a patient who uses it often it stays in the tissues and creates a tolerance to the drug (Inside Surgery). The possible side effects, are changes in moods and emotions, dizziness, drowsiness, and a lack of coordination (Drugs. com). The harsher effect is that a patient can go from breathing normally to being in respiratory arrest in seconds, even at what seems like a low dose. There are also no reversal agents to propofol, which means that the drug’s adverse effects have to be treated while the drug is being metabolized in the body (Inside Surgery). Considering all of these variables this makes working with propofol difficult and somewhat unpredictable, even for a trained professional. If a patient isn’t monitored closely enough by a person trained in sedation while on propofol then they can quickly go into respiratory arrest and thus get brain damage or die from not enough oxygen to the organs and brain (Ismp. rg). During a procedure, a nurse who was trained in moderate sedation, assisted a gastroenterologist in surgery by giving the patient propofol. The nurse gave too high of a dosage of propofol to the patient and the patient started experiencing respiratory arrest. In another case, a physician thought it would be safe to administer propofol himself while performing a breast augmentation surgery. According to a poll, eighty-three percent of people thought it was wrong for a surgeon to administer the propofol himself (Survey. com). The young patient died from not getting enough oxygen to the brain because there was no one there to supervise her. Nurses have been asked to give â€Å"a little more† of the propofol if a patient moved. Anesthesiologists have been known to leave the room and leave the syringe filled with propofol and a needle in the IV port so that the nurses can monitor the patient alone themselves. This has been brought to the attention of some hospital’s leaders however no laws have been enacted about this. Additionally, money is an issue when deciding the safety of the patient. There is sometimes an unwillingness of insurers to reimburse anesthesiologists for their care and thus nurse-administered propofol happens quite often and untrained nurses may be caught in the middle of such a debate and feel pressures to administer the propofol themselves. States in the U. S. all have different views on propofol and whether or not it needs to be administered by a trained anesthesiologist or if a nurse should be allowed to do it (Kathy Dix). On an online survey seventy-eight percent of people believe that a trained anesthesiologist should be in control of the propofol and not a nurse (Survey. om). It usually comes down to that health care facilities board and is not decided by the state. In a recent survey, it stated that ninety-six percent of the people thought that every hospital and healthcare facility should have set rules on the matter (Survey. com). In addition, American Society of Anesthesiologists, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, and American A ss ociation for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities believe that the only persons trained in administering general anesthesia should administer propofol to non-ventilated patients. The American Society of Anesthesiologists suggests that if that is not possible then non-anesthesia staff who do administer the drug should be qualified to rescue the patients if their level of sedations becomes deeper than intended (Ismp. org). Along with the issue of propofol not being safely administered, it is also abused in the medical community itself. This can be done easily because it is not listed as a â€Å"controlled substance† by the Food and Drug Administration. The drug is likely to be liked by abusers because it induces relaxation or sleep and can cause euphoria and also leaves the bloodstream so fast that it is difficult to detect (Nytimes). Anesthetists and abusers of propofol say that it can bring a brief but captivating high as the sedation wears off. It has been referred to as â€Å"dancing with the white rabbit† (referring to the white color of the drug) and â€Å"pronapping† because the drug induces a short sleep that many practioners and medical personnel use between their long shifts (Wall Street Journal). Many practioners do not feel that propofol should be a more controlled substance. However, according to a poll, eighty-seven percent of people think that propofol should be listed as a controlled substance (Survey. com). Naming propofol a controlled substance under the Drug Enforcement Agency’s rules would require the hospitals to track their inventory, account for all the propofol vials, list all of it’s users, and lock it up with the hospital’s narcotics. If these actions were taken doctors and nurses seeking rehabilitation for their abuse of propofol might cost them their licenses and lead to them having criminal charges because they would have been abusing a Drug Enforcement Agency controlled drug. Michael Jackson’s young death is the most well-known case of propofol abuse and has rekindled the propofol controversy the last two years. Detectives found large quantities of propofol and oxygen tanks in his home. Along with this they found that he had a personal physician that allegedly admitted to administering the drug to Jackson the day the singer died. Jackson reportedly had insomnia and was seeking aid from the drug. It seemed that his dance with the white rabbit caused his death, and may be the cause of many others if not taken into control. ’It enters your bloodstream fast, and even highly trained anesthesiologists can’t control it, and die. They don’t even have seconds to pull out the needle,’ said Art Zwerling, a registered nurse anesthetist and counselor with the Association of Nurse Anesthetists† (Wall Street Journal). When the drug is being used properly there should be strict procedures enforced regarding the supervision of vita l signs and oxygen saturation to assure that the patient is safe. Health care facilities should inform all the staff working around propofol how dangerous it is. Today’s standards on the administration of Diprivan (Propofol) are too lenient and need to be reformed. In conclusion, the distribution and handling of this drug needs to be strictly supervised. Work’s Cited â€Å"What the Heck is Proprofol? More Info On the Drug That May Have Killed Michael Jackson† News Week. Web. 29 Jul. 2009. lt;http://www. newsweek. com/blogs/the-human-condition/2009/07/29/what-the-heck-is-propofol-more-info-on-the-drug-that-may-have-killed-michael-jackson. htmlgt; â€Å"How to use Diprivan† Drugs. com. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. lt;http://www. drugs. om/diprivan. html gt; â€Å"Propofol (Drug)† Web. 7 Aug. 2009. lt;http://topics. nytimes. com/topics/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/propofol/index. htmlgt; â€Å"Michael Jackson’s Death From Propofol† Inside Surgery. Web. 24 Aug. 2009. lt;http://insidesurgery. com/tag/diprivan/gt; â€Å"Practical Guide to Moderate Sedation/Analgesia† Odom-forren. Donna Watson. 2005. Mosby Inc. â€Å"Propofol (A Drug Used For Sedation)† Carly Turner. Survey ages 18-50, 23 surveyors. Web. 4 May. 2011. Survey. com lt;http://www. survey. com/cgi-bin/pollxt. pl? poll=PM2U1AR9U9G8gt; How to cite Dancing with the White Rabbit, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Implementing and Improving Processes

Question: Using the two paragraphs shown below as a starting point, write an essay that demonstrates how both Benchmarking and Lean Six Sigma can be used by organisations to facilitate change in their business processes to enhance and sustain their competitive advantage. In your essay you need to discuss the following: a. What are Benchmarking and Lean Six Sigma? b. How can both be applied to business process change? c. How have organisations actually used one or both to improve their processes? (Case Studies) d. How could you apply Benchmarking and/or Lean Six Sigma to your current organisation or to an organisation you know well to identify business process change improvements? Answer: Introduction: Benchmarking in an organization plays an important role for improving the competitive aspects of an organization. The organizations use this tool to determine customer service, cost, quality, flexibility and delivery of services. Benchmarking acts as a platform for comparing a set of companies with the best in class companies for achieving superior utilization of the resources and excel in terms of performance. It can be used as a reliable tool for a gradual and continuous measure for improvement. It acts an important educational base which provided the organization with the chance to learn from past mistakes and aim for a sustainable growth (Brue 2015). The conceptualization of six sigma technique was first introduced by Motorola in the year 1987 in order to improve the quality aspect of their service. The concept of lean six- sigma incorporates combination of the six sigma outcomes with the lean speed of a value chain. The fundamental principle of six- sigma is to focus on both the quality and speed of service delivered by any manufacturing organization. The purpose of this study is to show the extensive possibilities in terms of improvements in business process change by combination of both benchmarking and lean six- sigma techniques. The studies also show the application of the stated research methodology in various organizations and learn about their business transformation process. The process of change in a business is implied as a result of change in tools and techniques, research and development tactics adopted by the managers (Rigby and Bilodeau 2015). Discussion According to Meybodi (2013), Benchmarking is a practice which when applied to a business results in significant improvement in the performance of a company. The best application of this is mainly seen in organization which deals with operations and sales. The main basis of criteria is to relate the performance of best organizations in a specific sector of the industry and learning about the various process related to that particular organization, the organizations then work on their operations to improve it according to the needs of the selected one. (Augusto Cauchick Miguel 2014). According to Zhu (2014), it needs to be understood that benchmarking is not a result of imitating the various strategies implemented by the best organizations but it is process of continuous improvement as a result of quantitative techniques and various innovation strategies which are untapped in the current practices. The methodology of the benchmarking involves from selection of the primary product or service of the company, identification of the important parameters of performance metrics, selection of companies, gathering of information on the performance and practices of the selected organization, analyses of the gathered information to know about the potential opportunities for continuous improvement in the business process, and implementation of the various strategies which are being followed by the best in class. The uses of the benchmarking techniques include improvement in the operational efficiency, a better understanding of the opportunities and relative cost position of the company, obtaining a strategic advantage and facilitating information sharing within the organization (Rolstadas 2013). According to Cucoranu (2014), the concept of lean six -sigma is a combination of tools and methods which is used by the present organizations in gaining a competitive advantage. The basic principle focus is on a faster and cost effective means of delivering service to the customers. Six -sigma assists in fixing to defects in the manufacturing process thereby reducing the amount of wastage. It is a powerful toolkit in order to increase the efficiency of a production system. The application of the six sigma technique can be related to any sector of an activity. It may be applied to both products and services (Neufeld et al. 2013). The implementation of this technique begins with understanding of the concept of Criticals to Quality (CTQ). The process also involves DMAIC technique such as define, measure, analyze, improve and control. It is the initial stage for application of six-sigma. The next step is DMADV technique which defines the various phases of defines, measure, analyze, define and verify. This stage is also known as design for six- sigma or DFSS. The final stage of this technique is related to designing and implementation of the observed analysis, (DEMDI). The lean six-sigma is a result oriented approach which focuses on the quality and productivity thereby by increasing the profits (Wei et al. 2012). The error level is identified on the basis of level of significance of the various key constraints, with every increasing level of significance the quality level of service increases. The sixth level of analysis ensures a 99.9996% defects free service or products manufactured. The main objective of six sigma is 3.4 defect free parts per million. The six Apart from improvements in the manufacturing sector, the application of this technique would significantly improve the quality in service industries such as tax returns, baggage handling in airports and various other areas such as driving (accidents per million kilometer driven), and in hospitality sector to reduce the number of deaths per million admitted every year (Newton 2014). According to (Harmon 2014), Business process change by application of lean six-sigma and benchmarking is mainly focused on two areas namely the core business and operations. The primary objective of both the methods results in Total Quality management (TQM). Managers of the big manufacturing concerns have stated that identifying the effective performance measurements aspects is the key to a success of an organization. The benchmarking process in itself is only related to identification the various key components or the opportunities for improvement, whereas lean six-sigma deals with the quantitative treatment and solutions for the various areas identified in the process of benchmarking. The amalgamation of both the measures can redefine the business process and organizations can compete in a better way (Goetsch and Davis 2014). The software engineering institute (SEI) has taken several measures for bringing about improvement in the business process through capability maturity model (CMM). The CMM has guidelines for improving the business process through a five stage evolution model for understanding the maturity levels of the business activities. The level 1 is the initial process which is characterized with various set of activities. The second level is repeatable. In the second level the predetermined project costs are evaluated to track the various cost components. The third level is applicable for both management and engineering tasks and the standards are defined as per the standards of maintaining the software. The level 4 is related to detailed measures of the various process of the software and quantitative understanding of the same. This particular stage is often related to the application of the lean six-sigma technique. The controlling of the activities is done through benchmarking of the various sectors of operation and significance level of various operations is measured by six- sigma (English et al. 2014). The theorists of Business Process Reengineering have paid more importance to the success factors which tend to give return on implementation. In this way companies include only that item which has more value for the business chain and sustainability of the organization. According to Tnnessen (2014), the implementation process of single or both the aforementioned techniques have helped the organization to gain a radical shift in the quality of the services offered. Automobile giant such as Toyota has been implementing both benchmarking and six sigma to achieve continuous improvement. In order to the six sigma procedures Toyota has identified the waste components in their production cycle. The key issues include waiting time, unnecessary motion, defects, over production, inappropriate processing of inventory and excess transportation. The value stream mapping of the various process provide a common ground for application of the quantitative techniques. The application the six sigma implementation ensured that the company is able to reduce its necessary waste components. The result was an overall improvement in the scientific improvement of the various paradigms. The lean six sigma applications have further improved the supply chain operations through improved communication procedure which has led to strategic alliance of the business processes. Bank one has followed the process of continuous improve by application of lean six sigma. The neo division of the bank has been able to implement path finder approach for overall quality improvement and determining the priorities within the business units. Motorola implemented six- sigma in the beginning of 1987 by engineer Bill Smith and the significance mechanism was formulated to reduce the no. of defects PPM. The success of this implementation made the use of quantitative technique popular to incorporate innovation and optimal usage of the available resources. According to Vinayak and Kodali (2013), in a similar way the process of benchmarking was first introduced in Xerox in United Sates, it resulted in showing clear benefits in terms of improvement in the performance in the operations. The implementation of the benchmarking models enabled the organization to facilitate learning process to maintain top quality standards in terms of customer service, improvement in the order of the inventory and an overall improvement in the process. The American Airlines incorporated benchmarking techniques in their business to gain a significant advantage in terms of customer services. The benchmarking process involved performance analysis of customer service of other airlines in the same route, and by including various added facilities in the route such as pre selection of seats, added feature in the purchase of business class ticket and additional luggage on booking of both economy class and business class tickets ensured that the flight is able to del iver compete with other airlines in the industry (Barkham and Saxon 2015). The selected organization of the implementation of lean six- sigma technique and benchmarking has been observed with General Electric (GE) headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut in the United States. The sigma value of the process involves K times the standard deviation of the selected process the equation is further represented by the equation K* process standard deviation = half tolerance of the specification The application the lean six - sigma in general electric resulted in .002 defects per million produced. In order to implement the process six-sigma model the customers were given the top priority for assessment. The goal of this objective was to determine the specific requirements of the customers. The main objective behind implementation the methodology was to bring an improvement in the product and the service level of in the manufacturing plant operations of the company. Third objective was to improve the overall financial status of the company. The initiation process involved five phases, the first phase being prioritizing or defining the customer needs (D), the second phase involved measurement of the performance (M), which focuses on how the various processes within the organization is measured. The phase included the analysis of the important reasons for the defects and identification the key variables related to the same (A). (Atmaca and Girenes 2013). According to Dubey et al. (2014), the fourth phase was related to identifying the key variables by the process of benchmarking and quantifying their implications on the CTQs. This stage is related to continuous improvement (I). The fifth phase is related to controlling to ensure that the modified process of the various key variables selected from the benchmarking process remained within the acceptable ranges over the time (C). In this way we can observe how the company implemented DMAIC into the process of lean six-sigma model. The engineers involve in the implementation process were provided with 13 days of training at GE which was later reduced to ten days and often referred as Green belt training. In the training process the employees were told about various ways of process mapping, risk management skills and leadership skills required for the analysis. The statistical procedures involved one sample test which was used to compare the mean to the target, two sample test which compa red two means, box and whisker plot to find the differences in the distribution of the data in the graphical representation, chi square test which compared the number of products in a batch or group and a graphical comparison of the same The various testing procedures also involved homogeneity of variance, normal probability distribution charts and finally evaluating the theory with scatter plot (Augusto Cauchick Miguel and Monteiro de Carvalho 2014). Conclusion The exploratory descriptive research finding of this study shows that due to improvement in Total quality management factor (TQM) many companies adopt this technique of six sigma and benchmarking. The various adaptation of lean six- sigma is associated to training professionals who registered under IASSC Certified LeanSix Sigma Black Belt(ICBB) or green belt program. The professionals are well versed with methodology and they lead the companies in implementation of lean six-sigma technique. While implementing benchmarking technique its is crucial for the organizations to consider the element of competitiveness which is necessary to examine the deficiencies in the conventional system of alignment of the strategies (Lawrence and Miller 2015). Reference List Atmaca, E. Girenes, S.S. 2013, "Lean Six Sigma methodology and application", Quality Quantity, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 2107-2127 Augusto Cauchick Miguel, P. and Monteiro de Carvalho, M., 2014. 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