Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Health Care Reform in the United States Essay - 987 Words

Health Care Reform in the United States In the United States, more than forty million people are without health insurance. Of these people, many are employed by firms that do not offer coverage and many others fall just below the poverty line. Many are poor but still do not qualify for Medicaid. At least twelve million of those without health insurance are children. Reliable sources indicate that the number of uninsured people could rise as high as sixty million by the year 2010. There is also a dilemma that the insured United States citizens face, that their healthcare system is sick, and everyone is aware of its illness: profit. In 2008, Malike Hassans, an HMO stockholdings CEO, salary was 166.4 million dollars. Most†¦show more content†¦Therefore, the physicians are not part of the decision making process involved in determining what services to provide. These rules can apply even when the patients life is at stake. Other terms prohibit the physician from disclosing how he or she is paid, especially when payment methods reward limiting referrals to patients. Why do HMOs want physicians to be less than honest with their patients? Because patients might demand care that would raise costs and reduce profits. According to Jeffrey Koplan, M.D., Patients should learn how to become active participants in their own healthcare, which means taking part in decisions involving diagnosis and treatment. Koplan is the president of Prudential Center for Health Care Research which conducts research to evaluate and improve how healthcare is delivered to managed care customers. If all insured citizens were more aware of the actions of their HMO, then there would be a decline in the immoral policies. Also, there are few American citizens who are striving for a real cure. The current fashion is to impose incremental reforms. For instance, Congress passed a new program to finance healthcare reforms for some uninsured children. They are also attempting to push bills to make it difficult for HMOs to deprive people of needed care. These bills are a much-needed step in the right direction. However, none of these reforms address the underlyingShow MoreRelatedHealth Care Reform : The United States Essay1087 Words   |  5 Pagesfeel heath care reform was necessary, health care costs affect the economy, the federal budget, and virtually every American’s family’s financial well-being. According to Obama, â€Å"In 2008, the United States devoted 16% of the economy to health care, an increase of almost one-quarter since 1998 (when 13% of the economy was spent on health care), yet much of that spending did not translate into better outcomes for patients† (Obama, 2016, p.526). 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