Saturday, March 14, 2020

Fammily Friendly for Whose Family essays

Fammily Friendly for Whose Family essays Do workers without children reap the same rewards as do their colleagues who are parents? Equal work for equal pay has long been the American mantra, but are parents more equal? The childfree say it is dangerous to promote one lifestyle and set of personal choices above others. Granting special privileges to those that reproduce creates unprivilege and subtle social pressure for those that don't. Parenting is a choice. With that choice comes responsibilities. In the last decade, as parents have struggled to balance responsibilities at home and at work, they have simultaneously raised the bar politically and in the workplace. During the 106th Congress, dozens of bills were introduced to increase the child tax credit, award stay-at-home parent grants to return to school, and expand the 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act. Childless adults have had enough. They feel they have become second-class citizens in the eyes of their government and their employers. They say family-friendly policies that have become the norm, place an unfair burden on childfree workers and don't consider their families or lifestyles. Is it fair to give tax credits to parents regardless of income? (CNN 1) Should the childfree be expected to work extra hours because they don't have children? Should employee benefit plans reward fertility rather than longevity or merit? The childfree see a world of colleagues who are stressed out because they've chosen to believe the lieyou can have it all. (Burkett 55) You can have children, careers, and excel at both. They say we've taken a step backward to the days when married men made more than women doing the same work because they had families to support. They've watched as children invade places sacred to adults such as R-rated movies and the workplace itself, (Belkin 32) employers create benefit packages that are full of maternity leave, pregnancy coverage, and other child-friendly perks that mean pa...

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